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James Harper James Harper Author
Title: Phone Numbers on Facebook Helps Criminals - Social Awareness
Author: James Harper
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The phone numbers accompanied with the user's name could help cyber criminals misuse the same. Reza Moaiandin, technical director of S...
The phone numbers accompanied with the user's name could help cyber criminals misuse the same. Reza Moaiandin, technical director of Salt agency, used a coding script to generate every possible number combination in Britain, US and Canada. He then sent millions of numbers to Facebook app building programme in bulk. In return, he received millions of unobstructed personal profiles.
Facebook has been the largely used social networking site across the globe. Though Facebook has fetched beneficial use to the users, it is accompanied with a lot of security defects which could affect the users in a great way.
Users tend to update their Facebook profile with all the details. However, recent investigations prove that there a lot of security loopholes with Facebook and updating details such as phone numbers could be detrimental.

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