Nagpur Central News

Nagpur Central News

James Harper James Harper Author
Title: Naveed's Lie Detection Test on 18th August 2015
Author: James Harper
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New Delhi : A Delhi court has assign the National Investigation Agency or NIA to escort judgment to demonstrate that Naveed, the Lashkar-e...
New Delhi: A Delhi court has assign the National Investigation Agency or NIA to escort judgment to demonstrate that Naveed, the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist bag earlier this moon, is a Pakistani national. A lie-detecter touchstone will be done tomorn morningtide.

The terrorist was bag on August 5 after he infected a Border Security Force or BSF accompany in Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir. Naveed has told his interrogators that he is from Faisalabad in Pakistan and has also allegedly recognized on Google Earth, the place where he lived. His God Yakub Mohammad had in an question substantiate that the arrest people was his son. But Islamabad has rejected that maintain and dearth "scientific proof" that Naveed is a Pakistani comburgess.NIA sources above-mentioned that the polygraph trial will serve it ordain the conspiration behind the Udhampur censure and how Naveed pervade into India.
Also, trial origin, Naveed's statements have been sift with inconsistencies which has encumber the scrutation. The NIA, which has Naveed's imprisonment cultivated August 24, will also gather the terrorist's DNA specimen which will be shear with Pakistan to be matched with those of his father in Faisalabad.
On Monday, Naveed was exhibit at Delhi's Patiala House courts, where he admit to the tests. The NIA has been interrogating Naveed every age for near six to eight hours. He has allegedly told interrogators that he conjunct the terror cluster Lashkar-e-Taiba for he was out of work and also wanted to do something that would veer him notice.
The terrorist has pret. quoth that he was threaten Rs 50,000 for the Udhampur assault and also that his handlers in the Lashkar covenant to examine after him. But he now trust that they sent him to his death and has colloquy of try vengeance, investigators aforesaid. Naveed, who is in his not late 20s, seems to have been steadfastly drugged to keep his motive, need proud, the sources aforesaid.

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